How to Measure a Dump Truck or Trailer for a Mesh Tarp

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How to Measure a Dump Truck or Trailer for a Mesh Tarp

A properly fitting tarp for your dump truck or trailer is essential for securing loads and ensuring safe transport from one job site to another. While choosing the correct tarping system might be one of the most important steps you take, selecting and measuring the mesh tarp is a close second. A tarp that doesn't fit can cause delays while operating the system, and might lead to potential safety issues if operators attempt to troubleshoot an ill-fitting tarp on their own.

Rarely does the one-size-fits-all approach provide a secure fit. In fact, many tarping systems are design for made-to-order tarps. If you are a heavy hauler in need of a new or replacement tarp for your dump truck or trailer, keep reading to understand how to properly measure your vehicle. 

Required tools for mesh tarp measurement

You will need only a few tools to measure your truck or trailer accurately. Having someone else to help you measure will be much faster than doing it yourself and it will ensure accuracy. Gather the following before getting started:

  • Your truck or trailer
  • A tape measure
  • An extra set of hands; otherwise, vice grips will work (to hold your tape measure in place). 

Measuring for Your Mesh Tarp

Getting your dump truck or trailer’s measurements is essential to getting the tarp size correct the first time. Follow the steps below and reference Roll-Rite’s PDF How-to-Measure Guide for Trucks or Guide to Measuring Tarp for Dump Trailers for additional visuals.

Step One: Determine spool position

First, you’ll need to document your spool position. You can place your spool in the front of the cab, rear positioned on top of the cab shield, or forward set on the box top/behind the cab shield. Remember that your spool should be mounted in a manner that ensures the upper arms don’t block the vehicle doors. If applicable, make sure you account for a wind deflector. 

Step Two: Measuring for Tarp Size

Measure the following areas and document them accordingly. If you are measuring for a TarpMaster® system, you can document the values on this Spec and Order Sheet

Starting with the Box, measure the following: 

  • Length: Next, measure the bed size, not including the cab shield.
  • Width (inside): Measure the width of your bed from the inside walls, not the outside.
  • Outside Width: Now, measure the outside of the widest point on the bed. 

Measuring the Cab Shield

  • Length: This is the distance from the back of the Cab Guard to where the spool will be mounted.
  • Rise: You will need to measure the rise of the bed; if they are 8” or more, then a Tension Bow is recommended.
  • Front Width: Finally, you will need to measure the bed's front width, including the cab shield. If the width varies considerably from (C) the inside width or if the Cab Guard is tapered, we suggest contacting customer service for additional information. 

Step Three: Calculating for the Tarp Size

  • To determine the length of the tarp, take your Box Length (B) + Cab Shield Length (E) + Cab Shield Rise (F) + 24” (2 Feet). 

Next steps for measuring for your mesh tarp

Ensuring your tarp fits appropriately will support efficient operations and ensure that drivers avoid safety or operational issues. Remember to reference Roll-Rite’s PDF Guide for additional visuals. Consultations and on-site services for tarp and safety solutions are available through Roll-Rite's Safe Fleet Service Centers. You may contact our experts directly for quotes or more information.