Construction Dump Truck Fleets: Proper Tarping is a Must

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Construction Dump Truck Fleets: Proper Tarping is a Must

Dump trucks make carrying and transporting large volumes of loose material easy. Whether you’re removing debris from a job site or moving loose matter such as soil, gravel or scrap metal, dump trucks are an integral component of construction fleets. But fleet managers face a host of challenges ranging from profitability, vehicle downtime, safety, staffing, compliance and more. Larger fleets might operate a wide variety of vehicles, adding another dimension to successfully managing a fleet.

While tarping is just one component to hauling, it’s an important consideration that can't be neglected without facing unpleasant consequences. Finding the right tarping system (or systems) to integrate into your fleet increases productivity by reducing time spent loading and unloading, and it lowers the risk of driver injury.

Tarp systems for dump trucks: stay safe and reduce liability

The ideal tarping system will address aspects such as the type of material you are transporting, and maintenance related to the cost of ownership. We have a full article on how to find the best tarping system for your dump truck. Below are several common issues that the right tarping system can address. 

Accidents and Safety

Adhering to health and safety regulations helps reduce jobsite accidents. Placing an emphasis on safety keeps fleet managers out of legal trouble and creates a more positive work environment. Drivers facing unnecessary safety risks will likely get hurt and reduce company productivity while recovering. Also consider that automated tarp systems, as a safety feature, may possibly save you money with some insurance carriers.

Adhering to Schedules

For most fleet companies, any opportunity to add operational efficiency is nearly always welcomed by decision-makers. By intentionally incorporating time saving features like an electric tarp system, you’ll positively impact your bottom line. Remember, load time is quicker with an electric system, and the ability to haul even one extra load per day can translate into cost savings in a matter of weeks.

Compliance with Local and State Regulations

Tarp manufacturers offer various tarp solutions to help you comply with your state tarping regulations.  Tarping lowers the risk of debris falling off your dump truck which is particularly beneficial if you are working in an area with heavy traffic. Tarp systems can also help ensure that you remain compliant with environmental safety regulations when applicable. Also consider that automated tarps may lower insurance rates if the check with their providers.

Selecting a tarp system for your dump truck

Remember, there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all tarp system. Every system offers different benefits and performance features, and you’ll need to consider these details as they relate to your specific dump body and operations. 

Arm-style tarping solutions such as the Roll-Rite’s TarpMaster® Series are designed for most standard dump trucks.  Cable tarp systems are ideal for transfer trucks with pups, end dumps and belly dumps hauling material such as sand, gravel or other aggregates and asphalt. Heavy duty steel systems are preferred by some dump body operators. They operate with the truck’s hydraulics and are engineered for longer life with corrosion resistant materials.

Not only is it imperative that you find the right tarping system for your dump truck, but also the correct type of tarp. Depending on the job performed, there are many types of tarps to choose from. Materials such as stone, gravel or aggregate – which are prone to flying out – can be properly secured with a mesh tarp. If you are hauling extreme waste or demolition materials, then you might consider a heftier option such as Roll-Rite’s HD Mesh, Super Tough Mesh or a Super Tough Ex Mesh tarps.

Next Steps for Fleet Managers

It is essential to find the right tarping system best to serve your needs. You'll be saving precious time and money in the long run by investing in a quality tarp system. With numerous options available, we recommend that you carefully compare the benefits of each solution with your specific requirements. Don't forget to choose the suitable tarp material to secure your load and achieve the best results possible. 

Consultations for tarp and safety solutions are available through Roll-Rite's Safe Fleet Service Centers. You may contact our experts directly for quotes or more information.


Brent Fannin

National Sales Manager, Construction and Municipal 

Brent has extensive trucking industry experience including years of hands-on experience involving truck equipment applications.